Analyzing antinutritional factors

23 January 2025
For several years, Nutriset Group has been committed to improving the effectiveness of its nutritional solutions. However, one major challenge remained: how can we better understand and analyze antinutritional factors, such as phytates, found in ingredients like soy or peanuts, which limit the absorption of essential minerals like iron and zinc?


After four years of collaboration with CIRAD, we have developed a reliable analytical method inspired by the behavior of phytates in the human body. Using an iron-phenanthroline complex detected through HPLC, this method ensures precise and accurate detection of different forms of phytates, providing results tailored to real nutritional needs.

This breakthrough will enable us to deepen our understanding of how these compounds impact the nutritional effectiveness of our solutions.

A big thank-you to the CIRAD teams for their dedication and expertise.




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